"Everything that is done in the world is done by hope."
Martin Luther King

Have you dealt with difficult emotions? Or experienced a mental trough when you felt helpless, confused, and lost? What about periods of stress and anxiety? How have you been able to overcome them?

Mental health is often overlooked or under-appreciated among adolescents and young adults. At the same time, in some cultures, mental health is misunderstood as abnormal behavior.

Time changes us. As children, we were naive, playing hide and seek with friends, building with Legos, and drawing crazy “masterpieces” ...... That was, we lived in the moment, carefree. When we grew up, there came more responsibilities, concerns, worries, stress, and anxiety.

Sometimes, we may feel self-doubt, lack confidence, and devalue ourselves. As a result, we may feel sad, lonely, confused, and helpless. For example, arguing with our parents, being estranged from our friends, facing a stressful study load, or experiencinga series of unhappy life situations. We may lose ourselves in this process, especially our most innocent and sincere inner child.

These emotions, which are difficult to express in words, can be expressed through art. Art therapy, unlike talk-based psychotherapy, focuses on non-verbal elements, emphasizing the process of creating art to reveal the creator’s innermost emotional world. In the process, the creator can organize and repair the negative emotions, thereby reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety while increasing their sense of self-worth.

Many renowned people also promote art therapy. JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, wrote the Harry Potter series while suffering from depression. Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States, once said, "Art fills our souls and makes us whole."

Thus, we need your help to share your stories, emotional journeys, or ways of coping with difficult emotions through a form of art, so we can support the well-being of your own and everyone else’s.

This project will not take much time. Your small act of creating a small artwork may impact someone's life significantly.

We want this project to be for you as well. When you feel lost, helpless, and alone, you have us, HopeThruCranes. You can always read someone else's story here or gain insight from other people’s ways of soothing negative emotions. Regardless, we wish you well every day.

Join the community
"Action is hope. There is no hope without action."
Hopeful Art, Helpful Strategies

You can contribute no matter where you are in the world.
There are no monetary requirements for your participation.

1. Choose what you want to share

a. The artwork can express your mental health or emotional journey. The artwork can be inspired by a time of stress, anger, anxiety, loneliness, confusion, helplessness, or similar emotions.

b. The artwork can reflect your unique way of relieving difficult emotions. Share your inner monologue while you engage in that particular activity or strategy.

i. You can draw, DIY, listen to songs, dance, photograph, exercise, meditate, talk, watch a play, bake, cook, play a musical instrument, volunteer, walk, clean, fashion, write, fold paper or anything that brings you joy.

2. Submit a short paragraph (100-200 words) explaining the meaning behind your work, why you created it, how it may have helped you, or any related information.

Send both the artwork and the paragraph using the options below. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us using the Gmail underneath.

Send to hopethrucranes@gmail.comOR Wechat
Click underneath to see more
Gallery of Hope

If we hold and deal with everything in a caring manner, the world would be a much better place filled with love, peace, and hope.

A Better World

This heart of origami cranes reminds people to always have hope, including in tough times. Being hopeful brings out the color and vigor needed to overcome the impossible.

Origami Crane Heart

If you notice your loved ones are not in the best mood, give them a hug. This can offer them great consolation knowing someone detected their change in emotions.

Caring with Hugging
At HopeThruCranes, we are driven by a single goal: to encourage mental health expression in a unique, creative way. We strive to make a difference in mental health, however small it may be. By building a connective community, we hope that mental health is less stigmatized, more spoken about, and more understood by others. Join us on our mission. Contribute your story or strategies to our Gallery of Hope.

Have a comment, question (about participation or submission) or anything else?

Use the email underneath to get in touch with us!

